Silver Jubilee
LAW ADMISSION 2024 - 2025


The University's vision is to reach the zenith of Legal Education, the University as an intense community strives hard to invent and promote research, focus on professionalization of teaching and learning outcomes with a trans-disciplinary approach of social responsibility to achieve the preambular perspective of Social Justice of the Constitution.


The University's Mission is to

  • Provide students with a blend of critical Legal Outlook and Professional Legal Skills with advanced Research Orientation to make them suitable for chosen vocations both in Professional and NonProfessional Settings in varied avocations.
  • Introduce periodical changesto curricula with suitable E-learining Modules to match with international standards.
  • Enrich the University as a self-reliant with transparent governance, eco-friendly outreach approach.
  • Promote Stress Free Environment with an emphasis to respect dignity amongst all of its stakeholders.
  • Expand links with Foreign and Indian Academic Institutions, Judicial Organs, Governmental >and Non-Governmental Organisations, Industry and Philanthropists.
© TNDALU 2022