Silver Jubilee
LAW ADMISSION 2024 - 2025



Number of Book/Volumes
(includes E-Books)


Number of Journals
(Printed / Online)


Online Legal Databases

Library is the heart of any academic institution and plays an key role in all academic activities and more so in law institutions as well as in law firms. Keeping in this mind, the library has been planned and is being developed by a team of qualified professional library staff and guided by the Library Council. It has a collection of over 19,000 volumes covering a wide range of general and special law subjects consisting of text books, reference books, back volumes of journals and reports etc.,.

The library has adopted an open access system so as to facilitate readers to have easy access and retrieval of library and information resources. To assist the students and research scholars in locating literature as well as information in their areas of research, general reference, current awareness and computerized catalogue have been introduced.

Library will be opened on all working days


  • Absolute Silence must be maintained in the library. Anyone who creates disturbance will be sent out of the library.
  • Readers of the Library shall enter their names and addresses legibly in the gate register which is kept at the entrance of the library. It shall be regarded as acceptance of the rules of the library by the persons concerned.
  • Members are required to deposit their bags/belongings against token at the entrance. Personal copies, printed materials, books and such other materials shall be left in the counter.
  • The borrowers before leaving the counter, must satisfy himself/herself as to whether the books lent out are in good condition.


S.No. Name Designation
1 Dr.S.K. Asok Kumar Librarian
2 Dr. A. Bagavathi Deputy Librarian
3 P.J. Yesu Nesa Joy Singh Assistant Librarian
4 Miss.G. Malar Library Assistant
5 Mrs. M. Tamil Selvi Library Assistant
© TNDALU 2022