Silver Jubilee
LAW ADMISSION 2024 - 2025

Consultancy Rules


The objective of Consultancy Policy is to promote academic, industry and research interaction and to encourage and facilitate faculty to provide knowledge inputs sought by industry, government agencies or other academic / research organizations. Consultancy is well recognized as an effective way for universities to disseminate knowledge and make an early and direct impact on society.


This policy is intended to provide a clear framework for those university staff engaged in, or who wish to engage in, consultancy, either through a university consultancy:

Organizational Set up

The Syndicate of a University may set up a small unit headed by a senior Professor who will co-ordinate and guide the consultation activities of the University and to take suitable administrative actions to control such activities as per rules framed by the University in this regard

Approval of Consultancy Activity

Approval must be sought for all consultancy work, whether University or Private, prior to carrying out the work whether during normal hours of work or not. The decision process for whether an individual faculty member is permitted to undertake a piece of consultancy is to be taken at the institution level.

The proposal should include details of

  • The organization / individual seeking the consultancy service
  • The nature of consultancy work
  • The institutional resources that would be utilized / required for the consultancy service
  • The quantum of work involved in man hours per week
  • Financial details

Rules for payment

  • All consultancy assignment by faculty members should be undertaken with prior concurrence of head of the department and permission of dean consultancy.
  • Examination, Lectures, Selection Committees and other professional work of faculty are not to be included in the consultancy.
  • All remuneration for consultancy should be received by a cheque/draft in favor of Registrar of the University, Individual Faculty Members should not receive any cash directly
  • Quarterly statements of consultancy services rendered by each faculty shall be forwarded for information and record of the Vice-Chancellor. This statement will also show the total of fees received by individuals up to date in the academic year.
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