IP Awareness Programme in DG Vaishnav College |
Intellectual Property Cell has been established at the Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University by Patent Information Centre of Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai. The cell was inaugurated on January 5, 2022 by the Former Madras High Court Judge and former Chairperson of the Intellectual Property Appellate Tribunal Hon’ble Justice Prabha Sridevan in the presence of Prof. (Dr) N S Santhosh Kumar Hon’ble Vice Chancellor & Dr Ranjith Oommen Abraham, Registrar The Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University and Dr R Srinivasan, Member Secretary, TNSCST, Chennai.
Intellectual Property Cell in collaboration with Patent Information Centre, TNSCST will organise awareness programmes on intellectual property rights and conducts workshops and seminar in the State of Tamil Nadu. The cell will also provide hands-on training at colleges and universities and offer facilitation services for the protection of IP such as as Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, Plant Varieties, and Geographical Indications. Offer Certification Courses on Intellectual Property Rights to promote IP awareness for start-up and promote research in IP areas.
Certificate of Appreciation from National IP Awareness Mission (NIPAM), Govt of India
The Department of Intellectual Property Law of the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai was established in the year 2005, as the III branch of specialized study in the University. The LL.M in intellectual property is designed to equip the students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of intellectual property law and policy. During the course of study, the students will have the opportunity to undertake in-depth study of a range of contemporary issues in intellectual property law, and develop further critical understanding and research skills through Skill Enhancement Course and dissertation on intellectual property issue.
Patent Information Centre was instituted at Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai in 2005. Intellectual Property filing facilitation within the state, are taken over by this centre and for this technical support is being sought from Patent Facilitating Centre, TIFAC, New Delhi. Financial support is provided by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
The vision of IPR cell is to create an environment which delivers innovative ideas, conduct research and facilitate resources for development of intellectual property and to identify and facilitate the source of new ideas and innovations and reach the IP towards all facets of the society.
The mission, aims to provide awareness on intellectual property and its rights to the students of Schools and Colleges in the State of Tamil Nadu and to inculcate the spirit of creativity and innovation to the students of higher education. Further to ignite and inspire the students of colleges and Universities to innovate and protect their creations. Strong IPR ecosystem result in the advancement of the Country and make the IP holder to become a “Job giver rather than job seeker”
Certification Course on IP*
National Seminar in commemoration of World Intellectual Property DayNew
IP & YOUTH : INNOVATING FOR BETTER FUTURE - State Level Poster CompetitionNew
State Level Awareness Programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Link for IP Day Poster Competition
The National Seminar to commemorate the World Intellectual Property Day on 23 April 2022- Brochure
Law University Sets Up IP Cell (The Hindu)
Call for Papers: TNDALU-Intellectual Property Law Review
Inauguration of Intellectual Property Cell on 5-01-2022
1. Dr M Sunil Gladson Co-coordinator, IPR Cell
Assistant Professor (SS)
Department of IPL, TNDALU
2. Ms. Radhuka Member of IPR Cell
Assistant Professor
3. Mr. Jeffry Andrew Member IPR Cell
Assistant Professor
4. Mr. Jesu Nesa Joysingh Technical Member IPR Cell
Assistant Librarian
5. Dr Lucky George HOD, Department of IPL
Assistant Professor (SG)
Department of IPL, TNDALU
Address: The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University,
Perungudi Campus, MGR Salai, Perungudi,
E-mail id. [email protected]