S.NO. Accn No Biblio No Type Subject Author 1 Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Location ISBN No. P.G. Syllabus in Law U.G. Syllabus in Law B.Com. /B.B.A./B.C.A. Syllabus Title Sub Title Volume Volume Class No Biblio No Language Location Name of the Publisher Place of Publishing Year of Publication Page Price Name of the Vendor Bill No. Date Price DOL. /UKP/EURO Class No
31311 31311

BR Atre

9788131250747 Drafting pleading and conveyancing Drafting pleading and conveyancing
Legislative drafting : Principles and techniques

Universal law publishing New Delhi 2017 487 895.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 895.00
31312 31312

Mackenizie Caraldine

9789350350775 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
How judges sentence

Oxford university press
2011 193 325.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 325.00

31313 31313

Shetneet shimon and chodosh Hiram e

9780198077121 Criminal Law Code of civil procedure
Uniform civil code for India: Proposal Blueprint for scholarly discourse

Sde shobhaa de Books
2015 315 895.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 895.00

31314 31314

Anand Pinkes and goburdhun Gowri

9780670089123 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Trrals of truth : Indias landmark criminal cases

Oxford university press
2017 209 499.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 499.00

31315 31315

Ramanathan N.S. and assisi Charles

9780199487615 Economics Economics
Aadhar effect why the worlds largest identity project matters

Oxford university press
2018 291 595.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 595.00

31316 31316

Gautam Bhatia

9780199488643 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Offend shock or disturb: Free speech uner the Indian constitution

Universal law publishing New Delhi 2018 347 495.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 495.00

31317 31317

Pinto Sanjay

9788192701738 Justice Justice
Justice for all

2017 344 499.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 499.00

31322 31322


9789384746971 Drafting pleading and conveyancing Drafting pleading and conveyancing
Odgers principles of pleadings and practice

Sweet and maxwell London 2016 555 550.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 550.00

31323 31323

Pawha Rupin

9788131251560 Dictionary Dictionary
Hundred Maxims

Lexis nexis
2019 203 295.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 295.00

31328 31328

Verma Satvik

9788131253571 General General
Yes I'm opinionated: Musing of a lawyer on governance law and policy

Universal law publishing New Delhi 2017 224 450.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 450.00

31333 31333

Dayal Keshav

9789351437406 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Makers of the supreme court

Universal law publishing New Delhi 2016 100 295.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 295.00

31334 31334

Dayal Keshav

9789351437406 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Makers of the supreme court

Universal law publishing New Delhi 2016 100 295.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 295.00

31338 31338

Cornish william

97889384746773 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
Cases and materials on intellectual property

Sweet and maxwell London 2015 743 1,150.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,150.00
31358 31358

Verkey Elizabeth

9789351451495 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property

Eastern book company Lucknow 2015 632 545.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 545.00
31391 31391

Mukharji P.B

9788171773022 Jurisprudence and legal theory Jurisprudence and legal theory
New jurisprudence

Eastern law house Delhi 2016 559 1,495.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,495.00

31392 31392

Vibhaw Nawneet

9789350357576 Environmental law environmental law
Environmental law an introduction

Lexis nexis
2016 342 365.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 365.00
31417 31417

Veerappa Moily

9789387264038 Justice Justice
Wheel of justice

Mohan law house New Delhi 2018 300 599.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 599.00

31420 31420

Gadbois JR and George H

9780199472161 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Supreme court of India the beginnings

Oxford university press
2017 245 795.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 795.00

31421 31421

Balakrishnan Suresh

9788193733509 Biography Biography
Eardley norton a biography Vol I

Old Madras press Chennai 2018 688 1,900.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,900.00

31435 31435

Grag Shashank

9780199483617 Arbitration conciliation and resolution Arbitration conciliation and resolution
Alternative dispute resolution: The Indian perspective

Oxford university press
2018 450 995.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 995.00

31452 31452

Ratanlal and Dhirajlal

9788131251614 Criminal Law Evidence
Law of evidence : with latest case law and legislative amendments

Lexis nexis
2018 926 845.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 845.00
31453 31453

Rao Nageswara

9789351433996 Evidence Evidence
Indian evidence act

Lexis nexis
2015 994 1,195.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,195.00

31510 31510

Bag R.K

9788171772902 Criminal Law Medical Jurisprudence
Law of medical negligence and compensation

Eastern law house Delhi 2014 584 795.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 795.00

31511 31511

Bag R.K

9788171772902 Criminal Law Medical Jurisprudence
Law of medical negligence and compensation

Eastern law house Delhi 2014 584 795.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 795.00

31512 31512

Malik Surendra and Malik Sudeep

9789351453185 Constitutional Law Drugs law
Supreme court narcotics drugs

Eastern book company Lucknow 2016 684 1,250.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,250.00

31514 31514

Malik Surendra and Malik Sudeep

9789388206785 Constitutional Law Drugs law
Supreme court narcotics drugs Vol 2

Eastern book company Lucknow 2018 77 495.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 495.00

31515 31515

Malik Surendra and Malik Sudeep

9789388206785 Constitutional Law Drugs law
Supreme court narcotics drugs Vol 2

Eastern book company Lucknow 2018 77 495.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 495.00

31516 31516

Narayana P.S

9789386374035 Business Law Banking Law
Law of negotiable instruments and dishonor of cheques

Thomson reuters
2017 822 1,650.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,650.00

31517 31517


9780414034228 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
copinger and Skone James on copyright Vol I

Sweet and maxwell
2019 2711 12,500.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 12,500.00

31518 31518


9780414034228 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
copinger and Skone James on copyright Vol II

Sweet and maxwell
2019 1422 2 vols C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 2 vols

31519 31519

Chopra D.S and Jethmalani Ram

9789386374479 Criminal Law Indian penal code
Indian penal code 1860 Vol I

Thomson reuters
2018 1562 4,750.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 4,750.00

31520 31520

Chopra D.S and Jethmalani Ram

9789386374479 Criminal Law Indian penal code
Indian penal code 1860 Vol II

Thomson reuters
2018 2805 2 vols C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 2 vols

31521 31521

Arora d.K. and Pandey Hemant Kumar

9789384746889 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Major civil manual

Thomson reuters
2016 819 1,450.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,450.00

31523 31523

Chatteriji Souvik

9789386374561 Criminal Law Code of civil procedure
Textbook on code of civil procedure in Indian

Thomson reuters
2018 909 1,750.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 1,750.00

31524 31524

Tandon Rajesh

9789386374080 Criminal Law Criminal Law
An Exhashstive commentary on motor vehicles act 1988 Vol I

Thomson reuters
2017 1147 3,250.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 3,250.00

31525 31525

Tandon Rajesh

9789386374080 Criminal Law Criminal Law
An Exhashstive commentary on motor vehicles act 1988 Vol II

Thomson reuters
2017 2006 2 vols C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 2 vols

31526 31526

Tandon Rajesh

9789386374080 Criminal Law Criminal Law
An Exhashstive commentary on motor vehicles act 1988 Vol I

Thomson reuters
2017 1147 3,250.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 3,250.00

31538 31538

Bajpai G.S and Gauba sbriga

9789384746681 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Victim justice : A paradism shift in criminal justice system in India

Thomson reuters
2016 205 695.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 695.00

31539 31539

Abhyankar girish and Abhiyanker Asawani

Criminal Law Criminal Law
Witness protection in criminal trials in India

Thomson reuters
2016 166 500.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 500.00

31541 31541

Maheshwari Bharat P

9789386374523 Criminal Law Evidence
Working digest on law of evidence : a guide for judgeship and advocacy

Thomson reuters
2018 1106 2,425.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 2,425.00

31542 31542

Paranjape N.V

9788193319635 Criminal Law Evidence
Evidence in criminal trials

Thomson reuters
2017 365 795.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 795.00

31543 31543

Paranjape N.V

9788193319635 Criminal Law Evidence
Evidence in criminal trials

Thomson reuters
2017 365 795.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 795.00

31544 31544

Jethmalani Ram and Chopra D.S

9789384746865 Criminal Law Evidence
Jethmalani and Chopras the law of evidence: Commentary of evidence act 1872 Vol I and II

Thomson reuters
2016 1267 3,750.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 3,750.00

31548 31548


9789386374684 Family law Mohammadan Law
Triple talaq

Thomson reuters
2018 202 495.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 495.00

31569 31569

Maheshwari S.R

9780195683769 Constitutional Law Public Administration Law
Public administration in India: the higher civil service

Oxford university press
2006 287 350.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 350.00
31570 31570

Sreenivasalu NS

9788131250631 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
Dynamic interfaces intellectual property law

Universal law publishing
2017 324 525.00 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2103 20.03.2019 525.00

31571 31571

Andenas Mads and Bjorge Erik

9781107082090 International Law International law
Farewell to fragmentation: Resservation and conversence in International law

Cambridge university press
2015 593 9,669.03 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2102 20.03.2019 9,669.03

31572 31572

Zasaris Bruce

9781107519725 Criminal Law Criminal Law
International white colour crime: case and materials

Cambridge university press
2015 685 6,091.13 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2102 20.03.2019 6,091.13

31573 31573

Horn Henrik amd Marroidis Petros C

9781107459649 World Trade Organisation World Trade Organisation
Legal and economics principles of world trade law

Cambridge university press
2014 367 2,609.93 C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai MAS/2018/CRB/2102 20.03.2019 2,609.93

31574 31574

Arora R.K

8178802392 Constitutional Law Public Administration Law
Public Administration in India

Rajat publications New delhi 2018 320 975.00 Books corner Chennai 295 22.03.2019 975.00

31594 31594

Cynthia Bowman, Rosenbury Laura, Deborah Tuerkheimer

9781683283058 Jurisprudence and legal theory Jurisprudence and legal theory
Feminist jurisprudence cases and materials

West academic publishing
2018 1096 17,054.40 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 17,054.40

31595 31595

Salim Mamajiwalla seide Rochelle

9781621820833 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property in molecular medicine

Gold spring harbor laboration press New York 2015 289 10,098.00 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 10,098.00

31596 31596

Pandey Dinesh C

9788178807201 Political Science political science
Political theory and political thought

Rajat publications New delhi 2018 271 1,395.00 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 1,395.00

31599 31599

Goppock lee and mateer dirk

978039350283 Economics Economics
Principles of macroeconomics

W.W. notrton and company London 2018 671 13,838.00 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 13,838.00

31600 31600

Gilovich keltner and Nisbett Chen

9780393283532 Sociology Sociology
Social psychology

W.W. notrton and company London 2016 SI-14 11,313.50 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 11,313.50

31601 31601

Burgess Ann wolbert

9781284130195 Criminology and peonology Criminology and peonology
Victimology : Theories and applications

Jones and boutnet learning
2019 738 4,862.00 Shanti books Chennai IN5751 21.03.2019 4,862.00

31602 31602

Lee Cynthia and Richardson Song L and Lawson Tamera

9781640202047 Criminal Law Criminal procedure
Criminal procedure case and materials

West academic publishing US 2018 1031 17,278.80 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 17,278.80

31603 31603

Gosh Nandini

9789384082505 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Impaired bodies gendered lives: Every day reality of disabled women

Primus books
2016 163 1,350.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,350.00

31604 31604

Tiwari Nupur

9788177084283 Constitutional Law Panchayat Raj
Panchayati raj women empowernment dependency versus autonomy

New century publishing New delhi 2016 164 690.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 690.00

31605 31605

Ahmed Jaynal

9788177004252 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Women enterpreneurship in India

New century publishing New delhi 2016 194 735.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 735.00

31606 31606

Pande Rekha

9788189110444 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Womens studies narrative travails and Triuuphy

Women press Delhi 2016 317 1,750.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,750.00

31607 31607

Biswas Jaya

9788189110475 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Empowerment of women economically and politically

Women press Delhi 2017 187 995.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 995.00

31608 31608


9780198757962 International Law International law
To reform the world: International organizations and the making of modern states

Oxford university press
2017 342 3,995.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 3,995.00

31609 31609

Singh Mahendra pal

9780199482139 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Indian year book of comparative law 2016

Oxford NLU delhi 2017 526 1,495.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,495.00

31610 31610

Bajpai Asha

9780199470716 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Child rights in India law policy and practice

Oxford NLU delhi 2017 943 995.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 995.00

31611 31611

Gopalakrishna Gandhi Singhvi abishek Manu Malik Lokendra

9780199484164 Biography Biography
Indias vibgyorman selected writings and speeches of L.M. Singhvi

Oxford NLU delhi 2018 335 795.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 795.00

31612 31612

Cullet Philippe and Koonan Sujith

9780199472475 Environmental law environmental law
Water law in India

Oxford NLU delhi 2017 475 1,295.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,295.00

31613 31613

dubhashi P.R

9789350502891 Administrative Law Administrative Law
Administrative reforms

B.R. publishing corporation Delhi 2016 216 650.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 650.00

31614 31614

Arzheimankai Evans Jocelyn and Michael S

9781473913158 Constitutional Law Election Law
Sage handbook of electroal behaviour Vol I

Sage publication
2017 487 25,625.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 25,625.00

31615 31615

Arzheimankai Evans Jocelyn and Michael S

9781473913158 Constitutional Law Election Law
Sage handbook of electroal behaviour Vol II

Sage publication
2017 1045 2 vols TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 2 vols

31616 31616

Bhattnager aditi

9788183765510 Media law Media law
Law of journalism and mass communication

ABD publishers Delhi 2018 277 1,450.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,450.00

31617 31617


9780198789741 Business Law Banking Law
Dictionary of finance and banking

Oxford university press
2018 506 335.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 335.00

31618 31618

Raviersusai raj A

9789350502921 Environmental law environmental law
Agricultural transformation and rural development in India

R.B. Publishers
2016 290 1,750.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,750.00

31619 31619

Sahooniranjan and Lohana Sarika r

9788177084412 Economics Economics
Demonetization digital India and governance

New century publishing New delhi 2017 210 870.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 870.00

31620 31620

Backhouse Roger E

9780190664091 Economics Economics
Founder of modern economics: Paul A Sam welson

Oxford university press
2017 736 2,614.26 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 2,614.26

31621 31621

Gupta Poonam and sharma Pawan Kiran kumar Amit

9788170263791 Economics Economics
Microfinance financial literacy and financial inclusion

Herritage publishers New delhi 2017 200 1,095.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 1,095.00

31622 31622

Lohana sarika R

9788177084528 Economics Economics
Twenty Five years of financial sector reforms in India 1991 to 92 to 2016 to 17

New century publishing New delhi 2017 376 2,120.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 2,120.00

31623 31623

Harris Phil and flessher Craig S

9781446276112 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Sage handbook of international corporate and public affairs white colour crime

Sage publication
2017 703 11,604.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 11,604.00

31624 31624

Podsor tllen S Henning Petor J and Israel Jerold H

9781634606516 Criminal Law Criminal Law
White colour crime

West academic publishers US 2018 818 9,350.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 9,350.00

31625 31625

Wacks Raymond

9780198828815 Jurisprudence and legal theory Jurisprudence and legal theory
Understanding jurisprudence

Oxford university press
2015 407 725.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 725.00

31626 31626

Gajbhiya ashwaveeer w

9789350502426 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Constitutional name of India

B.R. publishing corporation New delhi 2016 140 800.00 TBH book suppliers Chennai SINV01231 23.03.2019 800.00

31627 31627

National green Tribunal

Environmental law environmental law
National green tribunal

National green tribunal New delhi 2017 298
Gratis Gratis Gratis

31628 31628

Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi

8175201479 General General
Universities handbook 2018: Member universities Vol. I A to Z

Association of Indian Universities, New delhi New delhi 2018 1408 8,000.00 Gratis Gratis Gratis 8,000.00

31629 31629

Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi

8175201479 General General
Universities handbook 2018: Member universities Vol. II M to Z

Association of Indian Universities, New delhi New delhi 2018 3020 2 vols Gratis Gratis Gratis 2 vols

31630 31630

Sahasranaman P.B.

9789350354032 Justice Justice
Surfeit of tribute to Indias greatest living judge: Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer A. - Festschrift

Universal law publishing New delhi 2014 566 825.00 Gratis Gratis Gratis 825.00

31639 31639

Sir Sri Yogananda Paramahansa

9788189955007 Religion Religion
Second coming of christ: The regurrection of the Christ within you Vol. I

Yogoda satsangei Society of India Kolkata 2018 805 0.00 Yogode Satsangea Society of India, Kolkata Gratis 10.06.2019 0.00

31643 31643

Sir Sri Yogananda Paramahansa

9788189955328 General General
Law of success: using power of sprit to create health prosperity and happiness

Yogoda satsangei Society of India Kolkata 2017 41 0.00 Yogode Satsangea Society of India, Kolkata Gratis 10.06.2019 0.00

31644 31644

Sir Sri Yogananda Paramahansa

9788189535162 Religion Religion
Science of religion

Yogoda satsangei Society of India Kolkata 2018 80 0.00 Yogode Satsangea Society of India, Kolkata Gratis 10.06.2019 0.00

31645 31645

Sir Sri Yogananda Paramahansa

9789383203031 Religion Religion
Where there in light

Yogoda satsangei Society of India Kolkata 2018 240 0.00 Yogode Satsangea Society of India, Kolkata Gratis 10.06.2019 0.00

31660 31660

Muthiah S

- General General
Raj Bhavans of Tamil Nadu

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB South Zone Cultural centre Thanjavur 2009 284 2,500.00 South Zone Cultural centre, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India F.No. SZCC/I/2/1/GB/2019-20 25.04.2019 2,500.00

31661 31661

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

9788184419474 Taxation Law Taxation Law B.Com./B.B.A. LLB (Hons.) Background material on GST Law for Commerce Students

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Institute of Chartered Accountants of India New delhi 2019 347 350.00 Gratis Gratis

31679 31679

Bar Council of India Trust, New Delhi

0 Ethics Ethics
Selected judgements on professional ethics Vol. 1 to 10

ENGLISH Circulation Library Bar Council of India Trust New delhi 2019 617 2,000.00 Bar Council of India, New Delhi Lr. No. D:76/2019 29.07.2019 2,000.00

31699 31699

Dabral Vinod

9789350305003 UGC Grants UGC Grants
Encyclopaedia of Modern UGC Curriculum 13th plan: Guidelines for Colleges and Universities Part 1 to 2 Vol. XIII

English REFERENCE LIB Oxford Book Company Jaipur 2019 2797-3002 21,500.00 ID Publishers and Distributors, New delhi Lr mail dated 20.09.2019 20.09.2019 21,500.00

31700 31700

Puspam. K

9788170547501 Caste race and ethnicity Caste race and ethnicity
Social Exclusion of Scheduled Caste Women: A study in Nilakottai Block of Dindigul District in Tamil Nadu

English Circulation Library Classical Publishing Company New delhi 2018 222 700.00 Donated by Dr. K. Pushpam, PDF Sociology Dept, TNDALU Gratis 02.01.2020 700.00

31701 31701

Kirloskar S.L.

0 Biography Biography
The man who made machines: Biography of the pioneering Industrialist from Maharastra

English REFERENCE LIB Kirloskar brothers limited Pune 2019 278 0.00 Gratis Gratis 02.01.2020 0.00

31702 31702

Kirloskar S.L.

0 Biography Biography
Cactus and Roses: an autobiography

English REFERENCE LIB Kirloskar brothers limited Pune 2019 358 0.00 Gratis Gratis 02.01.2020 0.00

31703 31703

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Important instruction guidelines of NHRC

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2013 297 75.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 75.00

31704 31704

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Applied glossary of human rights terms Hindi to English

Hindi - English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2007 566 250.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 250.00

31705 31705

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Trilingual glossary of human rights terms English - Malayalam - Hindi

Malayalam - English - Hindi REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2015 649 250.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 250.00

31706 31706

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Handbook on employment of persons with disabilities in government of India

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2006 508 250.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 250.00

31707 31707

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

9788190441162 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Report with suggested intervensions national old age pensions scheme: issues of policy and governance

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2007 237 100.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 100.00

31708 31708

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

9788190441179 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Mental health care and human rights

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2008 470 250.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 250.00

31709 31709

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

9788190441148 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Human rights manual of district magistrate

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2007 584 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31710 31710

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Accessing remedies in law

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 20 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31711 31711

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Women and Child Lawren Women and Child Lawren
Child labour and child marriage

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31712 31712

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Criminal Law criminal law
The criminal justice system

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 22 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31713 31713

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Fundamental rights and directive principles

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 40 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31714 31714

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Criminal Law Juvenile Justice
The juvenile justice: care and protection of children act

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 32 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31715 31715

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
International human rights covenants and comentions

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 18 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31716 31716

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
POCOS: Pocos act

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31717 31717

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
The right to education

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 17 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31718 31718

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Constitutional Law right to information
The right to information

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31719 31719

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Rule of Law

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 18 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31720 31720

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Guidelines for police personnel on various human rights issues - POCKET SIZE BOOK

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2010 36 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31721 31721

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Recent initiatives of the national human rights commission on helth care as a human rights

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2015 373 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31722 31722

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Standard operating procedure (SOP) for combating trafficking of persons in India

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 70 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31723 31723

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

0 Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Nai dishayen 2016 - HINDI

HINDI REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2009 169 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31730 31730

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

09737588 General General
Annual Report 2012 - 13 - HINDI

HINDI REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2013 294 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31734 31734

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

09737588 General General
Annual Report 2016 - 17 - HINDI

HINDI REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2017 226 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31735 31735

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Declaration on the right and responsibility of individuals groups and organs of society to promote and protect university recoganized human rights and fundamental freedom - POCKET SIZE BOOK

English REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 0 24 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31750 31750

Prasad Chunnu


Indias reffugee regime and resettlemnt policy: Chakmas and the politics of nationality in Arunachal Pradesh

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Kalpaz publication Delhi 2013 309 925.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31751 31751

Ed. Banerjee Paula, Chaudhury Anasua Basu Ray and Ghosh Atig


The State of being stateless: An account of South Asia

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Orient Blackswan New delhi 2019 283 625.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31752 31752

Ed. Bloom Tendayi, Tonkiss Katherine and Cole Phillip


Understanding statelessness

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Routledge Taylor and Francis group New York 2018 275
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020
pound 36.99
31753 31753


Compilation of court orders and judgements relevant to the protection of refugees in India

2019 403
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31754 31754


Handbook on protection of stateless person: Under the 1954 convention relating to the status of stateless persons Geneva, 2014

2014 102 0.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31755 31755

Ed. Waas Laura Van and Melanie J. Khanna


Solving statelessness

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Wolf legal publisher Netherland 2017 460
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31756 31756

Roy Anupama


Mapping citizenship in India

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Oxford university press
2010 226 650.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31757 31757

Hunter Wendy


Undocumented Nationals - Cambridge elements politics of development

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Cambridge university press
2019 65 0.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31758 31758



Good Practices in nationality laws for the prevention and reduction of statelessness

2018 39 0.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31759 31759

Lawrance Benjamin N and Stevens Jacqueline


Citizenship in question evidentiary birthright and statelessness

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Duke University press London 2017 287
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31760 31760

Ed. Edwards Alice and Ferstman Carla


Human security and non citizens: Law policy and international affairs

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Cambridge university press
2010 614
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31761 31761



Nationality and statelessness

2014 65 0.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31762 31762

Edwards Alice and Waas Laura Van


Nationality and statelessness under international law

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Cambridge university press
2015 306
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31763 31763

Ghosh Partha S


Migrants refugees and the stateless in South Asia

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Sage publication USA 2016 356 1,095.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31764 31764

Ed. Blitz Brad K and Lynch Maureen


Statelessness and citizenship: A comparative study on the benefits of nationality

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Edward elgar publishing USA 2012 258
Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31765 31765

Ed. Basu Sabyaschi, Chaudhury Ray and Samaddar Ranbir


The rohingyan in South Asia: People without a state

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Routledge Taylor and Fransis New York 2018 218 995.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis 05.03.2020

31766 31766

Rajalakshmi S


Undertrial prisoners: problems and perspectives A critical study with special reference in Puducherry

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Today Publication Chennai 2014 253 235.00 Donated by Dr. S. Rajalakshmi, Asst. Prof., TNDALU Gratis 24.06.2020 235.00

31767 31767

Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi

India higher education profile 2018 - 2019

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Association of Indian Universities, New delhi New delhi 2020 204 0.00 Donated by Dr. T.S.N. Sastry, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, TNDALU, Chennai Gratis

31770 31770

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Living conditions and Human Rights of Inmates: Satus in 20 prisoners of the eight states and UT of Candigarh in northern region Vol. II

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2013 141 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31771 31771

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Manual on human rights for police officers

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2011 122 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31772 31772

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Forensic investigation of health rights violation in custody

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2018 75 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31773 31773

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Steps towards protection and promotion of human rights: Achievements of NHRC Vol. I

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2012 175 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31774 31774

murugesan D

Handbook on Bounded Labour

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2018 183 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31775 31775

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Glossary of Human Rights terms English to Hindi

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2004 483 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31776 31776

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

NHRC interventions of silicosis proceedings of workshop on detention

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2016 261 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31777 31777

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Proceedings of workshop on detention

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2008 352 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31778 31778

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Starvation malnutrition and malnutrition related deaths of children in 15 tribal districts of Maharastra - report of an enquiry conducted by Dr. Laksh Midhar Mishra IAS Former special tsppoteurs NHRC in June October 2007 Part II

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2013 310 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31779 31779

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Human rights education for beginners

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2017 176 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31780 31780

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Sexual violence

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 29 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31781 31781

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

International human rights covenants and comentions

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 18 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31782 31782

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Monotoring of economic social and cultural rights by NHRC inspection formats for schemes and programmes in states/UTS

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2015 343 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31783 31783

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

UNDP - OHCHR Toolkit for collaboration with national human rights instructions

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2010 272 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31784 31784

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

UNDP - OHCHR Toolkit for collaboration with national human rights instructions

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2014 271 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31785 31785

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Care and treatment in mental health institutions some slimpses in the recent period

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2012 79 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31786 31786

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Online training on human rights for police personnel

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2010 86 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31787 31787

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Module on human rights education for teaching professional imparting education in primary secondary higher secondary levels

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2007 237 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31788 31788

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Annual Report 2017 to 2018

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2017-2018 71 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31789 31789

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

United nations convention on the rights of the child UNCRC Indian legislations judgements and schemes: A comparative study by NHRC

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 70 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31790 31790

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Standard operating procedure (SOP) for combating trafficking of persons in India

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 105 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31791 31791

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Living Conditions and Human rights of inmates: Status in 14 prisons of the five states in north eastern region Vol. III

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2013 373 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31792 31792

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Recent initiatives of the national human rights commission on helath care as a human rights

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2015 32 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31793 31793

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Juvenile justice (Care and protection of children) act

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 18 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31794 31794

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Rule of Law

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 18 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31795 31795

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Criminal justice system

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 22 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31796 31796

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Accessing remedies in law

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 20 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31797 31797

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Child labour and child marriage

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31798 31798

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Right to information

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31799 31799

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Domestic violence

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 33 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31800 31800

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

Fundamental rights and directive principles

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 40 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31801 31801

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi


ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2019 14 0.00 National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi D.O. No. 15B (19) AD (P) 2019 - 20/NHRC dated 16th July 2019 16.07.2019 0.00

31802 31802

Doss Jesu Pudumai

Child Protection Laws in India

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIB Don Bosco youth animation South Asia New Delhi 2015 227 300.00 Donated by Rev. Dr. Jesi {idi,ao Dpss, SDB - Rome Gratis 30.11.2020 300.00

31803 31803

Doss Jesu Pudumai

Kuzhandhaigal Nattin Selvangal Kuzhandhaip padhukappum India sattangalum

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Don Bosco youth animation South Asia New Delhi 2020 300 250.00 Donated by Rev. Dr. Jesi {idi,ao Dpss, SDB - Rome Gratis 30.11.2020 250.00

31804 31804

Doss Jesu Pudumai

Kuzhandhaigal Nattin Selvangal Kuzhandhaip padhukappum India sattangalum

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Don Bosco youth animation South Asia New Delhi 2020 300 250.00 Donated by Rev. Dr. Jesi {idi,ao Dpss, SDB - Rome Gratis 30.11.2020 250.00

31805 31805

Vijaya raj Acharya

Kim Charitram: what is character

English REFERENCE LIB Sukant Print enterprise Chennai 2015 260 100.00 Gratis Gratis 30.11.2020 100.00

31806 31806

Viijay Acharya


English REFERENCE LIB Shri A.S.S Shant Kranti Jain Rajasthan 2020 390 130.00 Gratis Gratis 30.11.2020 130.00

31807 31807

Subrahmanyam A

Legal language: Including legal writing

English REFERENCE LIB Andhra Law House Visakapatnam 2020 446 595.00 Gratis Gratis 30.11.2020 595.00

31808 31808

Vijaya raj Acharya

Really Friendship you are great

English REFERENCE LIB Shri ABS Shantic Ranti Jain Sharavak Sangh Shri ABS Shantic Ranti Jain Sharavak Sangh 2020 192 90.00 Gratis Gratis 30.11.2020 90.00

31809 31809

Pushpam Mathan Kumar

Socio economic and political empowerment of rural women in India

English REFERENCE LIB LAMBERT Academic Pub LAMBERT Academic Pub 2020 248 0.00 Donated by Dr. K. Pushpam Gratis 30.11.2020 0.00

31810 31810

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9788194393207 General general
Ayurveda Intervention Ayush Qol-2C in improving quality of life in local non metostalic

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 70 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31811 31811

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9788194393221 General general
Breast Cancer as adjuuont to rediotheoraphy and chemotheropy : Glimpses of CCRAS Contributions (50 Glorious year Pharmacology research and safety studies Vol. Vi

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 97 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31812 31812

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

General general
Evidence based clinical efficacy and safety of classical ayurveda medicines Vol. I

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 392 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31813 31813

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9789383864263 General general
Glimpses of CCRAS Contribution : 50 Glorious year research publications Vol. II

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 237 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31814 31814

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9789383864270 General general
Glimpses of CCRAS Contribution : Medical plants research Vol. III

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 131 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31815 31815

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9789383864287 Criminal Law Drugs Law
Glimpses of CCRAC Contribution 50 glorious year phytochemistry Drug standardization and quality assurence Vol. IV

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2019 191 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31816 31816

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

General general
Clinical safety of selected ayurvedic formulations and panchakarama procedures

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2008 81 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31817 31817

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Criminal Law Drugs Law
Compendium of Drug registration formats of selected countries Vol. I

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2009 383 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31818 31818

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India


Fifty years of transforming research and development in Ayurveda 1969 to 2018

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2018 65 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31819 31819

Department of Ayurveda Yoga

International conclave on traditional medicine 16-17 november 2006 New delhi India Proceedings

English REFERENCE LIB Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Chennai 2007 155 0.00 Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31820 31820

Department of Ayurveda Yoga

Manual ofor ASHA/ANM on general wellness prevention of common allm eats including welleness includiang diabetes melitus through ayurveda and yoga

English REFERENCE LIB Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Chennai 2017 155 0.00 Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31821 31821

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Selected research papers on safety and efficancy of panchakarma

English REFERENCE LIB Director Central of Health Services New delhi 2008 341 0.00 Director Central of Health Services Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31822 31822

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Guidelines and training manual

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2008 90 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31823 31823

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Selected research papers on ksharasutra: A minimal invasive ayurvedic para surical measure

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2009 118 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31824 31824

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Seminar on literary research 22-24 Febuary 1999 proceedings

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2001 238 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31825 31825

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

National campaign of role of Ksharasuta : A minimal invsive ayurvedic pra surgical measure in Ano-rectak dusirders

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2007 278 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31826 31826

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Selected research papers on ayurveda and siddha geriatrics

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2007 374 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31827 31827

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India


Health related demography in Ahmedabad district Gujarat: Swathya Rakshan Programme 2016 to 2017

English REFERENCE LIB Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy New delhi 2017 38 0.00 Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31828 31828

Department of Ayush Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India

Training module for genatric health care

English REFERENCE LIB Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy New delhi 2008 50 0.00 Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31829 31829

Department of Ayush Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India

Teaching and training modules for surgeans training programme of ksharsutra therapy

English REFERENCE LIB Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy New delhi 2008 48 0.00 Department of Ayurveda and Yoga and Naturopathy Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31830 31830

Department of Ayush Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India


ABC practical guide of medicinal plants: Know your alphabets in view of Ayurveda

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2010 28 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31831 31831

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

9789383864201 Criminal Law Drugs Law
Drug development for select disease evidence based approach

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2016 30 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31832 31832

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

CCRAS Research policy

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2018 35 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31833 31833

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Clinical research protocols for traditional health science: Ayurveda Siddha Unani and others

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2010 1090 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31834 31834

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India


Evidence based ayurvedic practice: Bases on CCRAS R&D Contributions

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2014 79 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31835 31835

Centre for Dental Education and Research

Reference manual on oral health for allopathic and Ayush practioners

English REFERENCE LIB Centre for Dental Education and Research New delhi 2012 36 0.00 Centre for Dental Education and Research Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31836 31836

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Select research papers on Ayurvedic Ophthalmology

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2008 322 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31837 31837

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Selected Research Papers on Reheumatoid Arthritis : Amarata

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2009 533 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31838 31838

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Rededicating three ancient healthcare tradition to humanity

English REFERENCE LIB Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India New delhi 2020 24 0.00 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31839 31839

Elumalai S and Kalyani Archana B.C

Environmental Law Environmental Law
Law relating to sustainable mining and inclusive development : An overview

English REFERENCE LIB Tamil Nadu State ;amd ise researcj npard, State Development policy council Chennai 2020 41 0.00 Donated by Dr. S. Elumalai, Assistant Professor, TNDALU Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31840 31840

Elumalai S and Kalyani Archana B.C

Environmental Law Environmental Law
Law relating to sustainable mining and inclusive development : An overview

English REFERENCE LIB Tamil Nadu State ;amd ise researcj npard, State Development policy council Chennai 2020 41 0.00 Donated by Dr. S. Elumalai, Assistant Professor, TNDALU Gratis 27.01.2021 0.00

31841 31841

M.R. Raghunathan

General general
Ninathen Ezhudhinen

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur 2020 208 150.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 150.00

31842 31842

M.R. Raghunathan

General general
Aasiriyarukkana Thalamaippanbu

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur 2019 112 90.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 90.00

31843 31843

M.R. Raghunathan

General general
Thaimayin Perumai

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur 0 96 100.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 100.00

31844 31844

M.R. Raghunathan

General general
Pudhiyadhor Ulagam Seivom

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur 2020 240 150.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 150.00

31845 31845

A. Karunakaran

9788194301103 General general
Ninaithadhai niraivetrallaam (TAMIL)

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Sagari Press Chennai 2019 246 235.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 235.00

31846 31846

Ksheersagar Vivek

General general
Victory over the obstades

English REFERENCE LIB Neerkshree publication Pune 2020 414 450.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 450.00

31847 31847

A. Karunakaran

9788194301103 General general
Ninaithadhai niraivetrallaam (TAMIL)

TAMIL REFERENCE LIB Sagari Press Chennai 2019 246 235.00 Gratis dated 27.01.2021 Gratis 27.01.2021 235.00

31848 31848

Vedire Sriram

978935617363 Environmental Law Environmental Law
Distinctive water management story: The Rajasthan Way

English REFERENCE LIB Rajasthan River Basin & Water Resources planning authority, Government of Rajasthan Rajasthan 2019 138 400.00 Gratis dated 05.03.2021 Gratis 05.03.2021 400.00

31849 31849

Maheshwari Arun

9788179757475 General General
Based on the Life of Emami Co-founder Radhe shyam Agarwal ANOTHER UNIVERSE: A Biographical Novel

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Anamika Publisher and Distributor New delhi 2016 418 600.00 Gratis dated 05.03.2021 Gratis 05.03.2021 600.00

31850 31850

Sivakumar S and Sharma Prakash Abhishek Kumar Pandey

9789390673001 General general
Clinical and continuing legal education: A roadmap for India

English REFERENCE LIBRARY CLEA Thomson Routers Delhi 2021 486
Gratis 05.03.2021 Gratis 2021 1450

31851 31851

Sivakumar S and Sharma Prakash Abhishek Kumar Pandey

9789390673001 General general
Clinical and continuing legal education: A roadmap for India

English REFERENCE LIBRARY CLEA Thomson Routers Delhi 2021 486
Gratis 05.03.2021 Gratis 2021 1450

31852 31852

Sivakumar S and Sharma Prakash Abhishek Kumar Pandey

9789390673001 General general
Clinical and continuing legal education: A roadmap for India

English REFERENCE LIBRARY CLEA Thomson Routers Delhi 2021 486
Gratis 05.03.2021 Gratis 2021 1450

31855 31855

CBSR Sharma

9789353240707 Labour Law Labour and Industrial Law
Teaching labour of sisyphus: Class lecture synopses in environmental Vol. I

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Kalpaz publication Delhi 2020 425
gratis Gratis 2021 1,200.00

31856 31856

CBSR Sharma

9789353240707 Labour Law Labour and Industrial Law
Teaching labour of sisyphus: Class lecture synopses in environmental Vol. II

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Kalpaz publication Delhi 2020 381
gratis Gratis 2021 2 vols

31857 31857

Hill Nepoleon

9788192910918 General general
Thijk and grow rich

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Imprint of India books distributors letd
2019 331
gratis Gratis 2021 150.00

31858 31858

CBSR Sharma

9789352065257 General general
Sharks on campus

2015 371
gratis Gratis 2021 0.00

31859 31859

Keller Helen Adams

9788181377159 Biography Biography
Story of my life term II

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Rachana Sagar Private Limited
2013 112
gratis Gratis 2021 132.00

31860 31860

CBSR Sharma and TRK Yoganand and M. Amruth

9789353242794 Environmental Law Environmental Law
Irrigation tanks in semi-arid arid ecosystem

2020 393
gratis Gratis 2021 390.00

31861 31861

M.R. Raghunathan

9788195003426 General general
Manavargalukkana thalayaya panbugal (TAMIL)

TAMIL REFERENCE LIBRARY Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal
nil 64
gratis Gratis 2021 60.00

31864 31864

CBSR Sharma

9789386397713 Environmental Law Environmental Law
Ecology environment and politics

2018 412
gratis Gratis 2021 615.00

31865 31865


0 General general
Journey of excellence and enterprise

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY SICCI Centery commenmorative volume
2012 302
Gratis South India chamber of commerce Gratis 2021 0.00

31866 31866

Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar

9788194991151 General general
Rethinking Palkhivala centenary commemorative volumes

2021 328
Gratis Gratis 2021 995.00

31867 31867

K.S. Sarwani

9789391123000 Medical Law Medical Law
Covid 19 the pandemic: Impact and response

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY B.R. publishing Delhi 2021 154
gratis Gratis 2021 1,200.00

31868 31868

K.S. Sarwani

9789391123000 Medical Law Medical Law
Covid 19 the pandemic: Impact and response

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY B.R. publishing Delhi 2021 154
gratis Gratis 2021 1,200.00

31869 31869

Paranjape N.V

9789384852887 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Indian legal and constitutional history

Central law agency Allahabad 2018 579
C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai Cash Bill / 1298 22.09.2021 520.00

31869 31870

Paranjape N.V

9789384852887 Constitutional Law Constitutional Law
Indian legal and constitutional history

Central law agency Allahabad 2018 579
C. Sitaraman and co, Chennai Cash Bill / 1298 22.09.2021 520.00

31878 31878

Krishnamoorthy V

0 Medical Law Medical Law
For executive business class people : Trent your self methods to reduce your sufferings and medical bills (Tamil and english mixed)

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Dr. V. Krishnamoorthy Homiopathy and Herbal Remedies Chennai 2020 40
Gratis Dr. V. Krishnamoorthy Homiopathy and Herbal Remedies 08.12.2021 0.00

31879 31879

Kumar Krishna M.S.

0 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Professionals Handbook on Prevention of money laundering Act 2002

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Align management academy Chennai 2022 321 1,100.00 gratis Donated by Dr. M.S. Krishna Kumar 25.04.2022 1,100.00

31880 31880

Kumar Krishna M.S.

0 Criminal Law Criminal Law
Professionals Handbook on Prevention of money laundering Act 2002

ENGLISH REFERENCE LIBRARY Align management academy Chennai 2022 321 1,100.00 gratis Donated by Dr. M.S. Krishna Kumar 25.04.2022 1,100.00

31881 31881

Prasad Bimal and Prasad Suja

Biography Biography
Dream of revolution: A Biography of Jayaprakash Narayan

2021 271 799.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31884 31884

Sivakumar T

Labour Law Labour and Industrial Law
Thozhilalar mattrum thzhir satangal - Tamil

Senthamizh Padhippagam
2018 416 250.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31885 31885

Lifco publishers pvt. Ltd

Dictionary Dictionary
Lifco TAMIL - TAMIL - ENGLISH peragaradhi - Tamil

Lifco Publishers Pvt Ltd Chennai 2016 976 300.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31886 31886

Murugeswari N and Ramakrishnan K.S

Human Rights Law Human Rights Law
Human Rights: Dynamics and Dialectics

Department of womens studnes Bharathithasan University Koimbatore 2013 307
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31887 31887


Medical Law Medical Law
Health Care in Detention: A practical guide

2014 95
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31888 31888

Ragunathan M.R

General general
Nanathai thedi oar ullolippayanam

Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur
128 90.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31889 31889

Ragunathan M.R

General general
Thandhayin Perumai

Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur
88 80.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31890 31890

Ragunathan M.R

General general
Manavargalukkana thalayaya panbugal (TAMIL)

Meenatchi Ramaswamy Kalvi Niruvanangal Ariyallur
64 60.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31891 31891

Rajamani G.S

Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property rights in information technology: Vademecum

Cpmpcare publications Chennai 2013 192 300.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31897 31897

Streetn Paul

Essays in Social and economic development

New century publications, New delhi

371 1485/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31898 31898

Susan Balfour

Stress control - Stress Busting strategies for the 21st century 2015

Viva books New Delhi 2015 263 295/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31899 31899


Working Papers on national consultation for second generation reforms in legal education

Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi 2010 225
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31900 31900

DR.Sheela Kirubakaram

Proceedings of International conference on social science 2013 23 - 25th January 2013

Ethiraj College for Women Chennai 2013 697
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31901 31901

Julia Mikaelsson and Wergens Anna

Repairing the irreparable: State compensation to crime victims in the European Union

The Crime compensation and support authority, sweden
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31902 31902

Sarwani K.S

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddi Social reformer par excellence

Today Publication Chennai 2011 280 180/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31903 31903

Vasanthakumaran P

The world and cyber crime

Poornimaa publication pvt ltd Chennai 2010 236 270/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31904 31904

Kelly Alfred H, Harbison Winfred A and Belz Herman

American constitution its origins and development

W.W. Norton and company New York 1983 448 0.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31905 31905

Juin and Gupta

Upkar's Top letters for all occasions

Upkar prakashan Agra
272 70/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31906 31906

Willfred Funk

30 days to a more powerful vocabulary

Pocket book New York 1971 244
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31907 31907

V.R. Boopalan

Veetu Vadagai Sattam 2017 (Tamil Book)

Star law books Madurai 2017 64 60/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31908 31908

S P. Varma

Modern political theory

Vivek Publishing pvt ltd, New Delhi
1975 464 165/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31909 31909

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Integrated professional competionce courses paper - 2 Business laws, Ethics and Communications Vol. 1

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India New Delhi 2012 19.5 220/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31910 31910

Shanta V

IIC Muthulakshmi Reddy: A legend unto herself

India International centre New Delhi
14 25/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31911 31911

Five Decades of the cancer institute (WLA)1954-2004

Published on the occasion of its golden jubilee
2004 154
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31913 31913

R.K. Malhotra

World famous quotations

Varun publishing house Meerut 1998 210 45/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 45/-

31914 31914

Ed. Terry Kendrick


Developing strategic marketing plans that Really work a toolkit for public libraries 2006

Facet Publishing London 2006 225
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31915 31915


women and law: International Law Branch

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Chennai 2011 87 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31916 31916

Conference Proceeding

Asian Criminological Society: 3rd Annual Conference Asian innovations in criminology and criminal justice

National Taipei University Taiwan 2011 757 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31917 31917

Muthulakshmi Reddy

The Path finder

AIWC publications
0 143 150/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 150/-

31918 31918

Ed. Tanya Reinhart


Israel/Palestine: How to end the war of 1948

Leftword Leftword 2003 278 150/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 150/-

31919 31919

Kesar Lall


The seven Sisters and other NEPALESE TALES

Ratna Pustale Bhandar Nepal 2010 74 350/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 350/-

31920 31920

Christopher wolfe


The rise of modern judiclal Review

Basic Books New York 1987 392
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31921 31921

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Law and Entities governing cyberspace 1

IGNOU New Delhi
65 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31922 31922

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Law and Entities governing cyberspace 3

IGNOU New Delhi
43 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31923 31923

National University of educational Planning and Administration

Elementary education in India Progress towards UEE - Flash Statistics 2012-13

National University of educational Planning and Administration New Delhi 2012-13 45 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31924 31924

Bharathiyar University

Indian Association for American Studies 40th Annual Conference11 - 30th August, 2010 UGC-ASC

Bharathiyar University Coimbatore 2010 174 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31925 31925

Prof. Dr. P. Vanangamudi

A Three day International conference on "Agro Biodiversity and 20 years of WTO 28-30th January 2015 (Abstracts)

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Chennai 2015 128 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31926 31926


Makkal nenjam Vaguppurimai malar - Tamil Book

Pudhuvaazhvu Padhipagam Chennai 1977 504 1000/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 1000/-

31928 31928

Mubarakpuri As-Shaikh Safiur Rahmaan

The Authentic lift history of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him AR-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom

Darul Huda Chennai 2013 700 220.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 220.00

31929 31929

Ed. Bimal Jalan and Pulapre Balakrishnan


Politics Trumps Economics: The interface of economics and politics in Contemporary India

Rainlight Rupa New Delhi 2014 211 500.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 500.00

31930 31930

The Indian Institute of Bankers


law and practices relating to Banking

2002 647 275.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 275.00

31931 31931

World Classical Tamil Conference - 2010


Coimbatore: The emerging Indian Cosmopolis

World Classical Tamil Conference
2010 176
Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022

31932 31932


Total Quality Management: for tertiary education - Government of Karnataka Initiative

National Assesment and Accreditation Council Karnataka 2003 136 100/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 100/-

31933 31933

J. Sethi, Kamlesh Sadanand & D.V. Jindal


A Practical course in english pronunciation

PHI New Delhi 2010 222 395/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 395/-

31934 31934

M.P. Tandon

Legal Language and legal drafting: with general english

Allahabad law agency Faridabad 2004 64 90/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 90/-

31935 31935

K.R. Narayanaswamy


Success with grammar and composition

Orient Longman Hyderabad 1994 342 65/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 65/-

31936 31936

K.S. Sarwani

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddi Social reformer par excellence

Today Publication Chennai 2011 280 180/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 180/-

31937 31937

Arun C. Mehta

Elementary education in India Progress towards UEE - Analytical report 2005 -06



31938 31938

Org. Confederation of Indian Bar

All India Seminar on Economic reforms with reference to Electoral Issues held on 08th -09th April, 2017

Atvigyan Bhavan New Delhi 2017 78 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31939 31939


Watter Sanitation, hygiene and habitat in Prisons

ICRC Geneva 2013 124 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31940 31940


Water sanitation hygiene and habitat in prisons: Supplementary guidance

ICRC Geneva 2012 78 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31941 31941


UGC sponsored National Seminar on Value based approach towards women's rights and justice on 08th March 2018

TNDALU Chennai 2018 97 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31942 31942

Rajan A.K.


Reservation and some other important issues under the Constitution

Emrald publshers Chennai 2009 150 150.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 150.00

31943 31943

Gradimin Djurovic


The central tracing agency of the International committee of the red cross: Activities of the ICRC for the alleviation of the mental suffering of war victims

Henry dunant institute Geneva 1986 259 0 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 0

31944 31944

Ed. Virendra Gupta and Chong Guan Kwa


Energy security: Asia pacific perspectives

Manas publications New Delhi 2010 216 495/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 495/-

31945 31945

Parekh P H


Human Rights Year book 2001

Universal law publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 2001 210 340.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 340.00

31946 31946

Venugopal V

Justice party and social justice

Periyar self respect propogenda institution Chennai 1992 72 15.00 Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 15.00

31947 31947

Desai Ziyaud Din


Indo-Islamic architecture

Publications divisions, Government of India Chennai 1998 30 50/- Gratis Gratis 15.06.2022 50/-

31948 31948

Howard B. Tolley JR


International commission of jurists global advocates for human rights

University of Pensylvenia press Philadipia 1994 335 0.00 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 0.00

31949 31949

Samantha power and Graham Allison Ed.


Realizing human rights: moving from inspiration to impact

St. Martins press New York 2000 370 0.00 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 0.00

31950 31950

James Michael


Privacy and Human Rights

UNESCO publishing
1994 301 57.95 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 57.95

31951 31951

Peter Charless Haffer


Laws conscience: Equitable - Competitionalism in America

University of North Corolina press London 1990 260 0.00 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 0.00

31952 31952

Lowis Michael Seid Man


Our unsettled constitution: A new defenie of constitutionalism and judicial review

Yale University press London 2001 215 0.00 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 0.00

31953 31953

Frank Askar


Defending rights: A life in law and politics

Humanities press London London 1997 190 0.00 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 0.00

31954 31954

James B. Jacobs


Socio legal foundations of civil military relations

Transaction Book USA 1986 194 16.95 Gratis American Library Centre Books 15.06.2022 16.95

31955 31955



Trueman's specific series UGC NET/SET Law

Danika publishing company New Delhi 2017 804 475.00 Gratis V. Anand Kumar, LLM Student, TNDALU 15.06.2022 475.00

31956 31956



Bharats consumer protection law and practice

Bharats law house New Delhi 2016 1239 1,495.00 Gratis Mrs. Jeyanthi Krishnamoorthy (F.O. Madam, TNDALU) 15.06.2022 1,495.00

31957 31957

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Performance analysis of government colleges

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2021 66 250.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 250.00

31958 31958

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Performance analysis of government colleges

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2021 66 250.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 250.00

31959 31959

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru


Quality indicators for teacher education quality indicators

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2007 93 150.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 150.00

31960 31960

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru


Quality indicators for teacher education quality indicators

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2007 93 150.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 150.00

31961 31961

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Best practice series: Student admission process: cases presentations

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2021 86 200.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 200.00

31962 31962

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Best practice series: Student admission process: cases presentations

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2021 86 200.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 200.00

31963 31963

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Trend analysis of accredited institutions: Based on revised accreditation framework

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2019 58 200.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 200.00

31974 31974

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Best practice series - Management practices case presentations

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2019 97 150.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 150.00

31975 31975

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru


Quality assurance in higher education: An introduction

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2006 96 100.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 100.00

31978 31978

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru


Pursuit of quality in higher education: An Indian perspective

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2020 285 450.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 450.00

31983 31983

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

NAAC: A decade of dedication to quality assurance

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2004 159 150.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 150.00

31987 31987

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Student participation in quality enhancement

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2007 119 100.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 100.00

31990 31990

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Student participation in quality enhancement

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2007 119 100.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 100.00

31991 31991

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru


International perspectives on student participation in quality enhancement

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2007 192 100.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 100.00

31995 31995

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

Guidelines on quality indicators in library and information services: Affiliated/Constituent colleges

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2006 8 0.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 0.00

31996 31996

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

NAAC: NAAC for quality and excellence in higher education

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2005 15 100.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 100.00

31997 31997

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

NAAC: 25th Annual Report 2018 to 19

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2020 210 0.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 0.00

31998 31998

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru

NAAC News: Silver jubilee edition Vol. XVII - May 2020

National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Bengaluru 2020 44 0.00 National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru Lr. No. NAAC/WH/Pub 2022 dated 17th Feb. 2022 15.06.2022 0.00

31999 31999

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

You are an inspiration to all youngesters - Aggini Siragugal (Tamil Book)

Kannadhasan Padhipaam Chennai 2015 374 140.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 140.00

32000 32000

Vishnu Sarma K and Manohar Gogia

Guide to Judicial service examination: Civil and criminal in 3 Vols (Vol. III only)

ALT publication Hyderabad 2011 1277 1,800.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 1,800.00

32001 32001

U.N. High Commissioner for refugees, New Delhi

Some basic international legal documents on refugees and human rights

U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees New Delhi 0 125 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32002 32002



Nelson Mandela (Tamil Book)

Kizhakku Padhippagam Chennai 2009 223 120.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 120.00

32024 32024

Bare Act

The Tamil Nadu Regulation of rights and responsibilities of Landlords and tenants act 2017

C. Sitaraman and co Chennai 2017 54 90 Gratis Gratis 2022 90

32057 32057

Erfani Mohmoud


Company Law in Iran

First English Edition Summer
2003 427 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32058 32058

Gulati Sumita

Consumers: A select bibliography

Departmental of consumer affairs New Delhi 2007 253 250.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 250.00

32059 32059



Report on prevention of atrocities against scheduled castes

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New Delhi 2012 299 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32060 32060

Readers Digest


Extroadrodinary uses for ordinary things: Over 2000 ways to save money and time

Readers Digest London 0 384 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32061 32061

Financial Time


Financial times world desk reference

Dorling kerlersley London and Delhi other place 2005 656 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32062 32062

Readers Digest


Discovering the wonders of our world

Readers Digest London 0 456 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32063 32063

Readers Digest


Brain stretchers

Readers Digest London 2004 399 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32065 32065


UNDD - OHCHR Toolkit forcollaboration with national human rights institutions

National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi New delhi 2009 272 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32066 32066

Rajan R.V


Courage my companion: A candid autobiography

Productivity and quality publishers private limited Madras 1989 195 295.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 295.00

32070 32070

Chakraborty R


Law of sale of goods and partnership

Orient publishing company New Delhi 2010 1160 990.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 990.00

32071 32071

World Bank, Wasington


Respositioning nutrition as central to development: A strategy for large scale action

The World Bank Wasington 2006 246 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32072 32072

Kamath M V


Banking Odyssey the story of canara bank

Konark Publishing Private Limited Delhi 2006 499 150.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 150.00

32073 32073



State of worlds refugees: in search of solutions

United nation high commissioner for refugees New Delhi 1995 264 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32074 32074

Singh Madanjeet

This my people: Text and photographs - Hand-written preface: Jawarharlal Nehru

South Asia foundation New Delhi 1989 156 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32075 32075

Alok Bhasin

Labour laws: A primer

Eastern book company Lucknow 2011 204 295.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32076 32076

Tamil Nadu Forest Department

Forest management in Tamil Nadu: past present and future

Tamilnadu Forest Department Tamil Nadu 2010 220 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32077 32077

Ed. Scott Thompson and Kenneth M Hengen


Approches to peace: An Intellectual Map

United states Institute of Peace Wasington 2005 413 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32078 32078

Martin Shapiro

Courts: A comparative and political analysis

The University of Chicago press London 1981 240 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32079 32079

NHRC India

Report on implementation of the persons with disabilities act 1995 (PWD) some glimpsed

National human rights commission India 2013 49 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32080 32080

NHRC India

NHRC and Human Rights defenders: The growing synergy

National human rights commission India 2013 36 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32081 32081

Tamil Nadu Forum for Social Development

Tamil Nadu Social development report 2000

Tamil Nadu Forum for Social Development
2000 263 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32082 32082

Krishnamoorthy Ganasundaram


Vehicle insurance: How to cover your risk well?

Oxygen books Chennai 2009 126 100.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32083 32083

Consumers International


Economic crisis …. And our rice pots are empty: The social cost

Consumers International Netherland 1998 397 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32084 32084

Kudesia V.P


AIR Pollution

Pragati Prekashan Merut 2002 902 220.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32088 32088

Pub. The Readers Digest Association Limited, London


Readers digest knowledge quest the world of science and technology

Pub. The Readers Digest Association Limited London 0 168 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32089 32089


National academy of legal studies and research university act, 1998 (Andhra Pradesh Act 34 of 1998)

NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad 2005 25 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32090 32090

Madugula Santosh Kumar


Globalization and liberalization of higher education services

Humanities press Singapore 2006 226 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32091 32091

Thompson S.J.P.


Climate change untold truths and the ultimate solution

SJP Thompson
2012 258 250.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32092 32092

Australin Perfcriber Vol. 20. Supl. 1. 1997

International conference national medicinal drug policies: The way forward

Australian prescriber
1995 271 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32093 32093

Lewis Prenda Ralph


Readers digest women at war: The women of world war II - At home, at work on the front line

Readers Digest New York 2002 256 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32094 32094

Readers Digest


Readers digest vanished civilizations

Readers Digest New York 2002 320 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32095 32095

Readers Digest


Cross Fire

Readers Digest Sydney 2011 589 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32096 32096

Katujus S.N


S.N. Katjus encyclopaedia on law of drugs

Delhi Law House Delhi 2011 1750 1,995.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32097 32097

Ed. Partridge christopher


New Lion Handbook the worlds Religions

Lion Hudson Pic Oxford England 2005 495 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32098 32098

Ed. Suresh Misra, Safna Chadah Mamta Pathavia


Consumer concerns in the 21st Century Socio-Legal perspective

Centre for Consumer Studies Indian Institute of Public Administration New Delhi 2012 204 425.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32099 32099

Office of the Governing body of Insurance Council


Office of the governing body of Insurance council Synopsis of Award and Recommendation made by insurance ombudsmen … A compendium Vol. 3, Issue 2

Office of the convernment body of Insurance council New Delhi 2005 1016 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32100 32100

David Feldman David


Imponderables: Answers to the most preplering and amusing mysteries of everyday life

Readers Digest New York 0 463 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32101 32101

Readers Digest


Treasury of Wit and Wisdom: 4000 of the funniest, Cleverest most in sighted things ever said

Readers Digest New York 0 304 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32102 32102

Domnic Alexander


Spellbound: Form ancient gods to modern merlins A time tour of myth and magic

Readers Digest New York 2002 256 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32103 32103

Ian Harnison


Book of Inventions: The stories behind the inventions and inventors of the modern world

Ccassell Illustrated London 2004 288 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32104 32104

Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs


Compendium of Citizens chaters Vol. 11 No. 2-3

Ministry of consumer affairs Govt. of India New Delhi 2001 598 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32105 32105



Supreme court and national commission consumer law digest

Kamal publishers New Delhi 2009 1091 995.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32106 32106

Iyer V.C


SEBI practice manual taxmanns

Taxmann publishers
1999 1108 725.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32107 32107

Pradeep S Mehta


comptition law in India: A toolit

CUTS centre for competition Investment and economic Regulations Jaipur 2009 106 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32108 32108



Websters New world childrens dictionary: we define your world

Willey publishing INC Ohio 2006 928 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022

32109 32109

Readers Digest


Family word finder: A family guide to english words, their meanings synonyms

Readers Digest London 2006 928 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32110 32110

Readers Digest


How did it really happen? Decide what you believe about histories intriguing historical mystries

Readers Digest London 2000 351 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32111 32111

Ahuja H.L


Business economics: Microeconomic analysis

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2016 690 525.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 525.00

32112 32112

Ahuja H.L


Development economics: A critical study of economic growth development and environment

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2016 769 575.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 575.00

32113 32113

P.R. Jeyaraman


Mattru Murai Avvanangal sattam: kadanurudhi cheettu mattru cheettu kasolai

Sripathirajan publishers Selam 2014 168 100.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 100.00

32114 32114

Ahuja H.L


Macroeconomics: Theory and policy

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2016 936 550.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 550.00

32115 32115

Pulamai Venkatasalam

Kuzhandhaigalaip paliyal kuttrangalilirundhu padhukakkum sattam mattrum vidhigal

Giri law house Selam 2013 160 110.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 110.00

32116 32116

Ahuja H.L


Managerial economics: Analysis of managerial decision making

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2014 1150 695.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 695.00

32117 32117

Ahuja H.L


Economic Environment of Business: Macroeconomic analyis

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2010 814 275.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 275.00

32118 32118

Jacl Welch


Jack Welch with Syzy welch Winning

Harper Collins publication
2005 372 295.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 295.00

32119 32119

Readers Digest


Healthy bones musicles and joints

Readers Digest London 0 351 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32120 32120

Ed. Abrahamm George - Confrence Proceeding


Lead poisoining prevention and treatment: Implementing a national program in developing countries

The George foundation Bangalore 1999 443 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32121 32121

Brian Innes


Profile of a criminal mnd: How psychological profiling helps solve the crimes

Readers Digest New York 2003 256 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32122 32122

Government of Tamil Nadu


Teachers reference book: Citation consumer club

Government of Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies and consumer Protation development Tamil Nadu 2011 234 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32123 32123

Arora Harbeen and Rai Vinay


Dwan of a new vibront India via., Education educare, E-learning, Equity…

Centre for public policy New Delhi 2014 205 495.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 495.00

32124 32124

EBC's Master Guide


Judicial services examination for All States

Eastern Book Company Lucknow 2020 1302 1,395.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 1,395.00

32125 32125

Srivastava C.P


Corruption: Indias enemy within

Macmillan India Limited Mumbai 2008 244 295.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 295.00

32126 32126

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University


women and law: International Law Branch

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Chennai 2011 87 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32127 32127

Ahuja H.L


Modern Economics: An analytical study

S. Chand and company private limited New Delhi 2016 912 825.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 825.00

32128 32128

Radhakrishnan S.S


Prescription for the second independence movement

Good Governance Guards (GGG)
2011 252 150.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 150.00

32129 32129

Henry Campbell Black M. A


Blacks law dictionary: with pronuciations

West Publishing Company USA 1979 1509 4,510.52 Gratis Gratis 2022 4,510.52

32130 32130

Ed. Pani Sistla Rama Devi


Social security for women

Association of Indian Universities, New delhi New Delhi 2014 269 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32131 32131

Sivakumar T


Theengiyal Sattam - Tamil Book

Senthamizh Padhippagam Madurai 2018 416 250.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 250.00

32132 32132

Jeyamani Subramaniyam


Mahatma Gandhi Noolgal Vol. 16 : Gandhiyin kadidhangal - Tamil Book

Varthamaan padhippagam Chennai 2005 1379 300.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 300.00

32133 32133

Mandela Nelson


Nelson Mandela: Conversation with myself

Macmillan India Limited
2010 454 599.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 599.00

32134 32134

S. Muthumani


Nadalumandrathil Thamizh Naatin Urimai Kural - Tamil Book

Santhi Padhippagam Chennai 1997 296 0.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 0.00

32135 32135

Malik Lokendra and Arora Manish


Judge orates selected writings of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer

Universal law publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 2014 230 495.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 495.00

32136 32136

Patil Shivaraj V


Humility humanity and human rights

Society for community organisation trust Madurai 2005 195 150.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 150.00

32137 32137

Roas V.J


Factories law in A.P.

Asial law house Hyderabad 2013 962 1,080.00 Gratis Gratis 2022 1,080.00